Giving myself unconditional love

We are born whole, enough and unique! Such a simple statement carries so much weight for me.

Growing up, we pick up stories about ourselves specially before the age of 10. Some negative messages can include we are too fat, not pretty enough, not smart enough, a loser, etc. Most of these messages came from our caregivers, friends, teachers or anyone in our circle and unfortunately, we absorb all of this as children. We don’t know who we are so we depend on others to tell us about ourselves. We may become obsessed with comparing ourselves to others and often have unrealistic expectations of ourselves. This hurts us not only at a young age, but throughout our adult lives. We may not have been taught to love ourselves – I know this is true for me.

As an adult in my 30s, I am starting to realize that loving myself unconditionally is the most selfless thing I can do and the best gift I could receive. The more I love myself, the more I can have compassion and love for others. I am learning that I cannot give others what I cannot give myself. Loving myself is not easy – it is giving myself the unconditional love I did not receive growing up and it is not accomplishment focused. I am worthy of love as I am, I was born whole and worthy. It is reparenting myself, connecting with my inner child and making sure she knows I am here for her no matter. The more I practice self-love, the better I can show up in my relationships. I am tired of putting myself down all the time, and I am trying to treat myself with love, patience and compassion. As they say hurt people, hurt people but the opposite is also true.


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